
Autumn 2014/Specials for Oct and Nov

We have autumn special seafood lined up in Tomoe Sushi.

Everyday, all of our ingredients are selected and carefully checked by our QC in Japan and in Hong Kong. We want to introduce Japan's regional and unique local specialities to Hong Kong. Please come and try.

1. 北海道網走湖産 白魚 (Fresh white bait from Hokkaido)
2. 北海道 昆布森産 生柳葉魚 (Fresh smelt from Hokkaido)

 3.青森県産 秋刀魚、長崎県産 太鰯
(Fresh saury from Aomori and Fresh pilchards from Nagasaki)
4.自家製 黄身の味噌漬 (Marinated egg yellow in Miso)
We have renewed our sake list in 1st of October. Please come and try our new line up of selected sake to enjoy your night.